« Ensuring the health and safety of our employees as a means to fostering real well-being in the workplace. »
Protecting the Physical and Mental Health of our Employees
The health and safety of our employees is a moral duty of primary concern at Thy-Marcinelle. Any workplace scenario, whatever its nature, involves certain risks and this applies all the more true for us since we work in the steel industry. We therefore do everything we can, every day, to minimise these risks and ensure the well-being of our employees.
The prevention of occupational risks at our site focuses on the following principals:
- Safety in the workplace
- Protecting employee health in the workplace
- The Psychosocial aspects of work
- Ergonomics
- Hygiene in the workplace
- Improving the working environments
- The company introducing environmental measures.

We aim to do everything we can to guarantee the health and safety of our staff, whether they work in technical, sales or administrative roles. At Thy-Marcinelle, we do not believe in doing anything – whatever the benefits – if it compromises the well-being of our employees. Their safety is incorporated into our industry’s working methods and all aspects of company procedure, from decision-making to investments.
Our Management System for Health and Safety in the Workplace
We have established an ISO 45001- compliant occupational health and safety management system to effectively stay on top of and manage the risks and we carry out regular occupational risk assessments that are specifically tailored to our industrial sector. This is why an audit enabling us to assess risks and workplace hazards is carried out every year.
Safety at Thy-Marcinelle entails the following, in particular:
- Using of the tools and facilities efficiently
- Defining and applying made-to-measure working methods
- Maintaining the facilities and safety devices in full working order
- Maintaining a clean and tidy environment
- Maintaining a positive and committed attitude
Continuous Optimisation
of Working Conditions
We aim to improve the working conditions and quality of life of our employees on a daily basis, since we consider the well-being of our team to be of primary concern. We do everything we can – day in, day out – to safeguard the health and safety of our employees in the workplace. We are mindful of this and therefore we do everything possible to instil an ever-more efficient safety culture within the company.